Dealing with Temptation


The USDA is coming down hard on public school cafeteria and vending machines. “Junk food out . . . Health food in” seems to be the mantra of the day. Why is this a big deal to the kids? They love junk food. They want junk food. The lure, the temptation to reach for another chip, eat another cookie or drink another soft drink is strong.

Does putting the cookie jar on a higher shelf stop us from getting the step stool out so we can reach higher? Do restrictions stop us from yielding to temptation? No. In spite of restrictions, gimmicks and remedies, people continue to be tempted in many areas of their lives and often yield to its subtle power. Is all temptation sin? Can we ever gain strength so we are always victorious over its allurements?

These are some matters that the news article for this week will bring us to explore. Temptation to eat junk food may not be a very serious matter but temptation definitely is something of concern to the Christian who desires to live a victorious life.

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