Hugging a Time Warp


In this lesson our current issue will be economic plight of Cuba.  Even though prosperity is staring them in the face they can’t seem to let go of the past.  As a result, they our floundering.  Now that Venezuela has withdrawn much of its economic assistance Cuban is in a desperate situation.  In this lesson we will look at examples in the Bible of those who could not let the past go.

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It seems that many people are destined to hug a time warp.  Their lives are trapped in the past and they tenaciously grasp what “used to be.”  It is precious to them. Memories, concepts since proven wrong, and out-of-date methods have been canonized.  The sacred past is not to be disturbed, altered, or criticized.  What was must be what is.  Anything considered otherwise is suspect and possibly dangerous.

In this lesson our current issue will be economic plight of Cuba.  Even though prosperity is staring them in the face they can’t seem to let go of the past.  As a result, they our floundering.  Now that Venezuela has withdrawn much of its economic assistance Cuban is in a desperate situation.

In this lesson we will look at examples in the Bible of those who could not let the past go.  We will then discuss how this affects the church when people insist on holding on to traditions and customs in their local church that hinder the growth of the congregation.  By the end of the class session students should understand the importance of being flexible on church matters that are not necessarily founded on Scripture.

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