The church that prays together . .


In times of disaster, people often remember to return to God in prayer.  This is due to the fact that they have seen the power of prayer evidenced repeatedly by the church on its knees.

Thom Rainer said that his research revealed that corporate prayer in churches was related to the health of the church.  In this lesson we will see what the Bible has to say about this subject.  We will discuss the relationship between prayer and the health of the church.

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It is feared that Hurricane Irma raging at Category 3 could be as devastating as Hurricane Harvey.  Will it be the second of a one, two punch that keeps Texas on its knees?  Will people once again turn to God in prayer?

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has issued a proclamation. Sunday, September 3, 2017, will be a “Day of Prayer” in Texas.  He requested that the people from all denominations pray for the safety of first responders, public safety officers and military personnel, as well as for the “healing of individuals, rebuilding of communities and the restoration of the entire region struck by this disaster.”

In times of disaster, people often remember to return to God in prayer.  This is due to the fact that they have seen the power of prayer evidenced repeatedly by the church on its knees.

Thom Rainer said that his research revealed that corporate prayer in churches was related to the health of the church.  He feels that the decline of churches in America is commensurate with the decline in corporate prayers.

Could the fact that we are barely starting more churches than we are closing be directly related to the church’s lack of emphasis on corporate prayer?  Could it be related as well to a diminished number of individual prayer warriors?  Does it take a hurricane to bring us face-to-face with our weakness?

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