Our God Wins


Persecution is a biblical promise for Christians.  And yet, it is not a negative message.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ alters the perspective for those who place their faith in Him.  In this lesson we will consider the promise of persecution and redemption.    Although the prospect may at times seem bleak, the promise is sure.  Our God Wins.

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Contrary to the belief of some Christians in the western hemisphere, Christianity is still strongly threatened throughout the world.  A worldwide study recently released shows that restrictions on religion in the world are increasing.  Of the 198 countries studied by the Pew Research Center, 40% registered “high” or “very high” levels of restrictions.  This shows an increase of 34% over the statistics released in 2014.  Europe saw the largest increase.

CNN reported that last year was the most violent year of persecution against Christians in modern history.  The news agency referenced a study done by Open Doors USA.  Open Doors said that the persecution they surveyed “ranged from imprisonment, torture, beheadings and rape to the loss of home and assets, the loss of a job, or even rejection from a community.”  Massimo Introvigne, Director of the Centre for Studies on New Religions (Cesnur), reported that around half a billion Christians in the world are unable to express their faith completely freely, while around 90,000 – one every six minutes – died for their faith in the past year alone.  The study also found that as many as 600 million Christians were prevented from practicing their faith in 2016.

Persecution is a biblical promise for Christians.  And yet, it is not a negative message.  The resurrection of Jesus Christ alters the perspective for those who place their faith in Him.  In this lesson we will consider the promise of persecution and redemption.    Although the prospect may at times seem bleak, the promise is sure.  Our God Wins.

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