The Real You


Why do people hide their real self from the rest of the world? Is it because they fear they will not be accepted? Are they afraid of being hurt or betrayed? Do they hold something in reserve so that they can promote themselves at just the right moment and gain an advantage over others?

Are we facades of faith? We know how to wear our Sunday face when we go to church or other religious functions. We know how to talk like Christians. We know what to do to “have church.” We have practiced our act until it has the appearance of authenticity. Is it authentic?

The news article before us is the story of a young, popular, likable, school teacher who committed suicide in her classroom. When her young students discovered her body hanging from the ceiling of the classroom they must have been plagued with questions. The teacher they loved and thought they knew evidently had a life which was hidden from public view which brought her to the place of self-destruction.

For whatever reason many people are involved in personal “cover-up’. At times, it may seem to be a worthy choice, but often it is a matter of deception. The question before us is, How transparent should we be? Is it a matter of honesty? For the answer to this and other questions that will rise from this lesson we will look to the Bible.

Lesson Objective:  By the end of the lesson the students will understand the importance of accountability that comes from living a transparent life.

………………..Photo by Zenia…

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