Opioid Crisis


The Opioid crisis is the leading cause of death for Americans who are under the age of 50 years.  Last year it claimed 90 lives per day.

A New York pastor, Dave Watson feels that Christians should take a prophetic and compassionate approach.  By this he means that we should boldly speak out against the misuse and abuse of these drugs.  At the same time, we should offer loving counsel and assistance to those suffering in addiction.

If pastor Watson is correct how should the Church best get involved?   This is what we will discuss as we explore the Scriptures in this lesson.

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Drug addiction claims the lives of 175 Americans every day.  This startling statistic is due to a large extent because of what President Trump has labeled a public health emergency.  He stated, “We want the next generation of young Americans to know the blessings of a drug-free life.  Each of us has a responsibility to this effort. We have a total responsibility to ourselves, to our family, and to our country, including those who are struggling with this addiction.”

The drugs of great concern to the administration are classified as Opioids.  The Opioid crisis is the leading cause of death for Americans who are under the age of 50 years.  Last year it claimed 90 lives per day.  This is more than died as a result of guns or car accidents.  The mortality rate for those involved is racing at a pace more rapid than that of H.I.V. at its apex.  Although Americans make up only 5% of the world’s population, they consume 80% of the Opioids in the world.

These drugs are legal when prescribed by a medical doctor.  In some cases the treatment is legitimate and necessary.  In many cases they are being misused and abused.  In fact, they have become a recreational drug for many and can be bought on the street.

A New York pastor, Dave Watson believes the Church should be involved.  He feels that Christians should take a prophetic and compassionate approach.  By this he means that we should boldly speak out against the misuse and abuse of these drugs.  At the same time, we should offer loving counsel and assistance to those suffering in addiction.

If pastor Watson is correct how should the Church best get involved?  What will the Christian’s ministry to the addicted include?  What does the Bible say about this type of work?  This is what we will discuss as we explore the Scriptures in this lesson.

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