

American realize that they have much for which to be thankful.  In a study conducted by LifeWay Research , it was discovered that “Most Americans are thankful for family (88 percent), health (77 percent), personal freedom (72 percent) and friends (71 percent).  Fewer give thanks for wealth (32 percent) or achievements (51 percent).”

LifeWay Research: Friends and Family Matter More Than Money This Thanksgiving

The executive director of LIfeWay Research, Scott McConnell said, “The blessings that matter most are the ones money can’t buy.”  While the range of gratitude shifted depending on demographics, gender, race, education and age, the study of 1,000 participants chosen randomly by scientific selection of telephone number and residential addresses showed that God still gets a lot of the credit for the blessings of life.  Almost two-thirds of those surveyed said that they gave thanks to God on Thanksgiving day.  Fifty-seven percent gave thanks to their family while thirty-one percent thanked their friends.  Of the remaining twelve percent, eight percent thanked themselves and rest thanked fate.  Unfortunately, seven percent of Americans don’t celebrate on that day.  Four percent don’t thank God or anything else.

This will give us the opportunity to consider what the Bible has to say about the importance of expressing our gratitude to God and to others.

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